God bless actual intellectual Thomas Sowell. May he live healthily - for as long as he wishes to live:
“As long as human beings are imperfect, there will always be arguments for extending the power of government to deal with these imperfections. The only logical stopping place is totalitarianism - unless we realize that tolerating imperfections is the price of freedom.”
“The fatal attraction of government is that it allows busybodies to impose decisions on others without paying any price themselves. That enables them to act as if there were no price, even when there are ruinous prices - paid by others.”
“If politicians stopped meddling with things they don't understand, there would be a more drastic reduction in the size of government than anyone in either party advocates.”
Government is awful. At everything it attempts to do.
Yet its advocates insist on perpetually expanding what they want it to do.
The metric tonnage of its past misfires - does nothing to diminish their push for ever more expansion.
The Government's Warped Definition of 'Success'
Let’s examine but some of its very many failures.…
The federal government is nearly $34 trillion in debt.
Stop right there.
That titanic fiasco - all by its onesies - should disqualify government from doing anything at all ever again.
You clearly stink on ice, government. Knock everything off - and close up shop.
That would certainly be our reaction - if the government were a business.
Say someone approaches you about investing in their company.
They tell you their existing debt - is 130+% of their entire operating budget.
And they are adding 10+% of new, additional debt - each and every year.
You wouldn’t invest a penny in their pathetic endeavor. And you’d counsel them to immediately file for bankruptcy.
Well, speaking of bankruptcy - guess where the US is headed?
The absolute last thing we should be doing - is expanding the government’s litany of responsibilities.
Oh: Is that the entirety of the federal government’s fiscal shortfalls? Heavens no….
Social Security & Medicare Shortfalls Exceed $100 Trillion Over 30 Years
Government - is terrible.
As I just noted, government has gone (additionally) broke attempting to solve health care for old people.
Unfazed, government said they would solve health care for poor people. How’d that go?
Latest Medicaid Data Show A Deeply Broken Program
Unfazed, government said they would solve health care for everyone. How’d that go?
After 13 Years, 'Obamacare' Offers Broken Promises and Costly Consequences
Government - is terrible.
Meanwhile, government said it would solve the financial sector. How’d that go?
How Dodd-Frank Doubles Down on 'Too Big to Fail'
And on, and on, and….
You get the idea.
Government - is terrible.
Nevertheless: Unfazed, government is looking to expand itself into the few nooks and crannies of private life not yet flooded by these fools.
The Internet has been an anomalous success in the Age of Government. Only because government hasn’t been involved in the Internet.
Government won’t stand for that…
US FCC Chair Proposes to Restore Net Neutrality Rules
And because government has fixed debt and deficit spending and health care and banking and…?
They’ll now fix racism....
FCC Adopts Rules to Eliminate ‘Digital Discrimination’ for Communities with Poor Internet Access
Except a government-free Internet has ensured 100% of Americans have had great Internet access - since 2015.
"You can’t be racist in who has Internet access - when everyone has Internet access."
And as government has endlessly proven - over and over again?
The last entity you want assisting anyone with anything - is government.
As Ronald Reagan rightly observed:
“The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help.’”
He knew that - a half a century ago.
Yet we have allowed government to expand endlessly - ever since.
Because government is unfazed.
There’s a Government Hall of Fame – But Government Is AWFUL at Everything
And We the People are criminally negligent.
Sadly Americans are sitting on their couches while the government is carrying the sofa out the front door.
This is the time when the shark bits it's own tail. 🤣
The US government has based all einkommen reality on debt for 100+ years and now the debt is killing its creator.
Happy dying!
Finally and maybe John Lennon's prediction will happen.
Imagine no borders, no religions....
We are getting closer to this promising reality.
Long live humanity!
As one.