NY’s Legislators Rise Up Against Governor Cuomo’s Crony ‘Green Energy’ Boondoggle
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo -
and His Staff (At least ) two notions from famous Americans come to mind when contemplating New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s $8 billion flight of unilateral crony “green energy” fancy. Playwright George Bernard Shaw noted: “A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.” And American social scientist William Graham Sumner penned in 1883 “The Forgotten Man" - in which he rightly identifies the “forgotten men” as the citizens paying for the government fiascos in which politicians engage. What brings these men’s wise words to a New York state of mind?: “Governor Andrew Cuomo announced a unilateral mass expansion of government - in the name of fighting global warming…oops, I mean climate change: ‘The state’s Public Service Commission (PSC) earlier Monday passed a new set of standards that by 2030 is supposed to ensure that half of New York’s energy needs are met by renewable methods, ranging from solar and wind, as well as hydro and nuclear power.’” Is that gi-normous “green energy” increase possible? Not so much as it is highly improbable: “As of 2015, New York only generated 11% of its energy via renewables. A tally it has taken them decades – and tens of billions of subsidy dollars – to attain. And now they have mandated a nearly 500% increase – in only fifteen years. Predicated, again, upon energy sources that require massive, ongoing government cash infusions – and in most instances take more energy to produce than they provide.” The lofty “green energy” goals nigh certainly won’t happen - but the massive taxes to pay for the attempt certainly will: “(T)he Public Service Commission also included a new (energy) tax worth $8 billion.” That is a HUGE tax increase. And where does most of that robbed-from-Peter-the-Forgotten-Man money go? To Cuomo’s Paul: “(D)ownstate energy consumers bore a disproportionate burden of the cost of state subsidies that will support three upstate nuclear power plants.” Wait - who?: “(The tax) money will go to plant owner Exelon, a Chicago-based Fortune 100 company with annual revenues of over $34 billion.” So let’s run the checklist. Cuomo unilateral government power grab? Check. Executed in the name of global warming climate change - the Greatest Scam on Earth? Check. Containing completely unrealistic government-mandated “green energy” goals? Check. And monstrous tax increases? Check. With the tax hike coin taken from faceless citizens - going to a government crony? Check. Cuomo’s mandate-and-tax-riddled “green energy” plan is a guaranteed disaster-to-be. It must be stopped. Thankfully, New York’s legislators - the Forgotten Men’s representatives - are rising up to stop it. Behold S. 4417. Sponsored by state Republican Senator Tony Avella, it strikes right at the heart of Cuomo’s true objective, and the only thing that gets his boondoggle off the ground - the mammoth tax increase: “(It) would direct the state PSC to repeal any electric rate increase ‘where such increase is a subsidy to upstate nuclear power plants.’” New York's legislature should get behind Senator Avella’s bill - which frees the Empire State from Cuomo’s cronyism - and pass it. Time’s a-wasting - for New York’s legislature to get out in front of and prevent Cuomo’s monumental tax-money-wasting. They absolutely should not waste one moment more. New York’s Peters and Forgotten Men will thank you. This first appeared in Red State.