Revolving Door: Big Gov and Big Biz Are Terminally Entwined
The once relevant Jonah Goldberg in 2009 accurately catalogued the direction the Left has long been headed. His book “Liberal Fascism” details fascism’s direct lineage - from 1930s Europe all the way down to what’s happening here and now. My only quibble is a long-held hobby horse: There is NOTHING “liberal” about the Left. And it is the Left with whom we are dealing.
Revolving Door: Big Gov and Big Biz Are Terminally Entwined
Revolving Door: Big Gov and Big Biz Are…
Revolving Door: Big Gov and Big Biz Are Terminally Entwined
The once relevant Jonah Goldberg in 2009 accurately catalogued the direction the Left has long been headed. His book “Liberal Fascism” details fascism’s direct lineage - from 1930s Europe all the way down to what’s happening here and now. My only quibble is a long-held hobby horse: There is NOTHING “liberal” about the Left. And it is the Left with whom we are dealing.